the designexpert

Christiane Gebert

Christiane Gerbert graduated in 1987 with a diploma in Industrial Design from the Muthesius University in Kiel.  Since then, she has worked freelance and pursues many avenues. WK Wohnen, Paidi, Bavaria Yachtbau, Palmberg, ter Hürne, Conal und Dirks are references of her designs, some of which have won awards. In addition, she was also employed for a time in the wood industry and kitchen furniture industry. Today this all-rounder heads the design and development department of Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH and ‘on the side’ designed and runs with nordic charm, her own company, Fiefhusen, ‘Clothes for people with dogs’.

We are pleased that Christiane Gebert, with her comprehensive design competence, is participating in our expert panel of COLORNETWORK for the ‘Sustained Color No. 1: be rooted!’.

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designexpert - Christiane Gebert

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