the designexpert

Timo Rieke

Timo Rieke is a German designer and professor of colour design at the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim. He is a board member of the German Colour Association, a partner of the Institute International Trendscouting at HAWK and Design Director of the visual haptics lab, he founded in Hanover in 2004. Timo Rieke worked for 8 years in Vienna for the architectural firm COOP HIMMELB(L)AU. Colour in the field between society, individuality, space, product, haptics and synaesthetics is his research focus. He advises public and private clients on the development of spatial and product designs. Since 2018, Timo Rieke has been responsible for the development of the RAL Colour Feeling Trend Report.

We thank Timo for his expertise and commitment regarding the Sustained Color No.8.


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designexpert Timo Rieke

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